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Top Tips For A Bright Summer Smile

First impressions can be a big deal to a lot of people. Most of us have a tendency to want to be liked and accepted by those around us. And in order to create the best first impression possible, many strive to make sure they look as presentable as they can. 

One way to create a great first impression is to smile with confidence. There are lots of different cosmetic dental procedures that are convenient and accessible. Here are a few options to consider if you’re looking to get that beautiful bright smile for the summer, or any time of the year!

Teeth Whitening

One of the ways to help get you that bright summer smile would be to get your teeth professionally whitened. When done by your dentist, teeth whitening can have incredible results in helping to whiten and brighten your teeth. This cosmetic procedure is safe and effective and will leave you smiling with confidence.


Another popular cosmetic procedure for a beautiful smile is a treatment called veneers. This quick and easy solution not only helps brighten up your smile, but this procedure can also help rectify cracked teeth, chips, gaps and even alignment of your teeth. Veneers are thin, custom-made shells made of tooth-colored materials, typically porcelain or composite resin, that are bonded to the front surface of teeth. This procedure can often be done in a single visit.


Dental bonding is a third cosmetic procedure that can help in enhancing your bright summer smile. Also often referred to as composite bonding, dental bonding consists of applying a tooth-colored resin to one’s natural teeth in order to help shape, color and size them. Bonding can also fill in gaps and correct any chipped or cracked teeth. This cosmetic solution, like getting veneers, is a quick and easy way to brighten your smile. The procedure is painless, only consisting of applying the resin material, curing the resin, and then polishing.

Dental Implants

If you’re looking for a more permanent option to getting a bright summer smile, consider getting a consultation for dental implants. This cosmetic procedure involves titanium screws being placed into your gums to act as roots for crowns to be put into your mouth. This is a great option for people who have missing teeth. Because it is a more permanent procedure, be sure to consult your dentist to see if dental implants are right for you.These are only a few different cosmetic procedures that are available to help you fill any gaps, resolve any chips or cracks on your teeth, and of course, give you that bright summer smile. When deciding which procedure is best fit for you, it is important to consult with a reliable dentist that works with you to give you the best experience possible. Those looking for a dentist in Chestermere can rely on Chestermere Smiles Dental for help with getting that bright summer smile.

Dr. Pandya

Dr. Pandya

Relationships – We care about you. We believe relationships take time………and good, honest communication. Our team commits to taking the time necessary to get to know YOU, LISTEN to your concerns and provide valuable EDUCATION so you can make an INFORMED DECISION about your oral health.