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Potential Repercussions of Tooth Loss In Young Adults

Woman holding frowning image of bad teeth

Patients who are still in their teens, or are even younger, cannot benefit from implants. At this stage of growth, their jaws are still developing. This concern can lead to severe complications if implant dentistry is attempted. One common consequence is interference in the jawbone’s natural development. Complications like this one make it an inappropriate option for treating developing patients.

In most cases, a go-to solution will be removable dentures or fixed dental bridges. However, this doesn’t mean they won’t be able to benefit at all. Once their jawbone stops developing, there can be considerable benefits to receiving implants at a younger age.  

Potential Repercussions of Tooth Loss In Young Adults

 As anyone who’s lost a tooth can tell you, the social impacts can be significant. Even more importantly, the teeth, muscles, cheeks, and tongue are all directly involved in jawbone development. Losing a tooth at a young age means that your jawbone may not develop appropriately. Even a single lost tooth represents potential consequences for your developing jaw. More steps may be involved to help your jawbone develop normally.

For patients too young for dental implants, orthodontic treatments are often suggested. These treatments can include dental bridges and dentures. Myofunctional therapy is another method that is often used for young patients. This therapeutic method involves exercises that help to strengthen the jaw and help it develop correctly. By ensuring proper development of the jawbone, implant treatments are more likely to be successful later.

After the jaw has completed its development, implants become a viable option. With the right care and upkeep, they can last the patient a lifetime. The implications of receiving implants are slightly different for younger patients. The crowns mounted on these implants will have to be replaced more than once throughout their lifetime. However, the titanium implants on which they’re mounted have been shown to last at least 50 years.

The reason that younger patients need implants can be different than that of older patients. For instance, some patients have genetic conditions that result in tooth loss. Some conditions result in thinner gums that can make the placement of implants more difficult.

The Benefits Of Dental Implants For Younger Patients

When the necessary considerations have been accounted for, dental implants can significantly benefit young adults. Younger patients tend to have better overall oral health than older patients in need of implants. Instances of gum disease tend to be less pronounced in this demographic, and their risk of developing peri-implantitis is lower. This complication is a form of gum disease that sets in where the implant is mounted. Peri-implantitis is the most common cause of implant failure across all age groups.

Other ways young patients benefit from receiving implants include:

  • Reduced need for bone grafts for successful implantation
  • Their smile will appear natural, with no evidence of prior tooth loss
  • Better immune systems mean more successful recovery from implant surgery
  • Healing occurs faster in younger patients

Contact your dental health specialist to determine if implants are a good choice for you. This dental restoration option means no one should live a life with an imperfect smile. Reach out to your provider and schedule your next dental health appointment today.  

Dr. Pandya

Dr. Pandya

Relationships – We care about you. We believe relationships take time………and good, honest communication. Our team commits to taking the time necessary to get to know YOU, LISTEN to your concerns and provide valuable EDUCATION so you can make an INFORMED DECISION about your oral health.