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Debunking Common Misconceptions about Dentistry

There are a lot of myths and misconceptions when it comes to oral health, and it’s important to be aware of them so you can make the right decisions when it comes to your teeth and gums. We’ll take a look at some of the most common myths and try to uncover what the truth actually is.

Misconception 1: Regular Check-Ups Aren’t That Important

Whilst you should definitely see the dentist as soon as possible when you notice issues with your teeth or gums, you shouldn’t wait for problems to present themselves.

Regular checkups are essential for maintaining good oral health, and allow minor issues to be identified early before they turn into major problems. This can save you a lot of pain and discomfort down the line and get you better results overall. Regular checkups also provide the perfect opportunity to ask any questions you may have and get advice and feedback on the rest of your oral health routine.

Given all these benefits, regular checkups are crucial for ensuring your teeth and gums stay healthy and you should avoid skipping them or waiting until you start to experience pain or other problems.

Misconception 2: You Don’t Need To Worry About Baby Teeth

It can be easy for parents to not worry as much while their child still has their baby teeth, reasoning that these teeth will soon be replaced by adult teeth anyway. However, dental hygiene practices such as effective brushing and regular checkups are still essential during this time.

Not only is it important to use this formative part of your child’s life to build good habits that will take care of them later in life, but failing to keep their mouth clean during this time can have lasting consequences.

For the good of their long-term dental health, make sure you work with your dentist to ensure your child learns the best ways to take care of their teeth.

Misconception 3: Some People Are Destined To Have Bad Teeth

Your genetics can have a huge impact on both the appearance of your teeth and how easy it is to keep them clean and healthy, but it’s possible to overcome this negative impact and the associated risks with the right attitude and support.

This begins with the good habits we’ve already discussed, like effective brushing, using mouthwash, and attending check ups regularly. However, there are additional steps you can take with your dentist that build on this and make an even bigger difference. Orthodontic treatment is now more advanced than ever and can provide an effective remedy for bad bites and crooked teeth. This won’t just improve your smile, but can also make your teeth a lot easier to care for and reduce the risk of complications developing.

Even if you feel like you’ve been cursed with your dental genetics, it’s always worth speaking to your dentist and exploring your options, they’re likely much better than you think.

Misconception 4: Dental Appointments Are Scary

It’s common to feel some apprehension ahead of a visit to the dentist, whether it’s for a checkup, orthodontic treatment, or for them to perform a treatment. For too many people, this apprehension can become fear which doesn’t even ease during the appointment. With the right dentist, it doesn’t need to be this way.

Although there may be no way for them to completely eliminate your anxiety, a good dentist will be understanding and do what they can to put you at ease. This will make for a much better experience for you, will make it easier for them to perform their work effectively, and will make your next appointment feel a little less intimidating.

If your previous appointments have made you more fearful instead of less, it may be that your dentist isn’t right for you. In this case, it’s worth contacting another clinic and being open about your fears so that they can put your mind at ease while they take care of your teeth.

What Next?

Now that you know the truth behind these all-too-common misconceptions, you’ll hopefully feel more confident making an appointment if you need to. Whether it’s a routine checkup, an inquiry about orthodontic options, or you’re aiming to address some other issues, the team here at Chestermere Smiles Dental are happy to help. Contact us today to make an appointment with one of our friendly and professional dentists.

Dr. Pandya

Dr. Pandya

Relationships – We care about you. We believe relationships take time………and good, honest communication. Our team commits to taking the time necessary to get to know YOU, LISTEN to your concerns and provide valuable EDUCATION so you can make an INFORMED DECISION about your oral health.